Hi, I’m Gary!

I am a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, best-selling author, and expert in depression, anxiety and addiction. I wrote a best-selling book, ‘Never Give Up’ that is based on recovering from depression with practical tools and tips for everyday use, with minimal effort. Formally depressed and addicted myself, I run my own practice now and has amassed over 80, only 5 star reviews. I have been placed in an Irish newspaper, been a multiple-time podcast guest, and an event host speaking in front of dozens of people at a time. With degrees in CBT, NLP and advanced depression counselling, he has spent thousands of hours learning and helping clients on a one-to-one basis.

My Services and Specialties

Addiction Therapy

Whether it’s gambling, medication, porn, or the most common addiction I deal with cocaine. I have helped many people overcome their addiction. I also personally was addicted to the three mentioned above.

Depression Therapy

Spending time depressed was not uncommon for me whilst I was an addict. I am proud to have left depression behind and also helped dozens of people overcome the devil sitting in the dark!

Anxiety Support

Whilst anxiety is extremely common, for some of us anxiety gets on top of us too much. If it’s going out in public, the shop, or meeting new people, I can help change your beliefs to where the action’s are less anxious.

How it Works

Depending on how frequent you do your addiction, recovery can vary. You may be asked to do a minimum of 5 weekly sessions, and then move to bi-weekly sessions. This depends on frequency of addiction, amount of time using, and possible costs incurred associated to your addiction.

Depending on how long you’ve suffered with depression, or anger issues, getting help will vary too. As you might be able to tell, there is no exact science, but my skills have clear shown replicated results for overcoming depression. Weekly one to one sessions with myself will be to start.

Anxiety is an open conversation when it comes to shifting beliefs. Moving into a mindset where your tolerance of what you can handle has reduced so much, you will value yourself more and external anxiety won’t affect you as much. My intention around anxiety is always to grow you out of it.


All my services are a standard rate of €60 per session. You can book in here with this link for a discount of €10.

(Click here for website €10 discount off your sessions).

Lastly you will be sent a standard Terms and Conditions when you book in for your first session.

Book a session here.

You can book a session as of today, if not tomorrow is an option. Let’s spend some quality time and I can understand your situation to then be able to help you out of the challenge. One hour for change. Let’s chat, book below.

What My Clients Say

Want To Watch Testimonials And Not Just Read?

Here are 2 previous clients very satisfied with working with myself. Spend some time and see if you think we can work well together. I often hear from clients, they are happy I am direct, and not comforting them too much. Reassurance is important but stopping crap beliefs is a must. Example being, life is better of without me. No messing with this belief. Stop right away.

Crisis Information

Crisis Information ⋆

In crisis? Please note that Gary does not provide a crisis support service. If you are currently in crisis, experiencing suicidal thoughts or urges to harm yourself in any way, please call your local doctor or mental health services for help. Other contacts that may be helpful to you are listed below. Samaritans, call 116 123, lines are open 24 hours a day or email jo@samaritans.org. Please visit www.samaritans.org. Under the age of 19, in the Ireland? You can try calling Childline 0800 1111 or you can visit  www.childline.ie

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