10 Effective Strategies to Manage Anxiety Daily

Anxiety is in my opinion, not something to be feared, or to consider it a strange thing. Anxiety has helped humans for hundreds of years. It’s unbelievably common. With this knowledge in this blog today on effective ways to overcome anxiety, you will hopefully leave with belief’s that you are more confident in. Meaning as you interact with the world, you can do things that you normally wouldn’t do because of anxiety. 

Anxiety is a daily experience, depending on your severity of anxiety it can be crippling anxiety and then anything in between that and mild anxiety. From not going out to friends, and not talking to anyone, to feeling anxious going to the shop, it comes in different times, different feelings, and getting on top of those is the point of this blog. 

Now let’s get to the 10!

Strategy 1: Gratitude

Focusing more on the good than the negative is key, the main key for anxiety. 

Strategy 2: Establishing a Routine

Staying up late, and waking early opens plenty of doors to anxiety. Give yourself a good chance by good lifestyle habits.

Strategy 3: Meditation

Most people run away from the memory of pain. Any painful memory, meditation teaches you to be ok with that, and being ok means exposure which means reduce emotional intensity.

Strategy 4: Stay Active

Along with healthy habits, staying active, is stay away from anxiety. How? Because you’re fit and strong, this aids in personal power.

Strategy 5: Practice Deep Breathing

Meditation is before events, deep breathing is before and during an anxious event. Take deep breaths and connect to you, not the event/thing/place/people.

Strategy 6: Limit Caffeine, Alcohol, and Drug Use

Drugs, a no… Alcohol a step down, and caffeine a step down again. A hangover is clear anxiety inducing, and limiting caffeine is good, a little is fine, too much, is too much. Find your sweet spot to function the best.

Strategy 7: Spend Time With Quality People

Being around an abuser is anxiety inducing for sure. Being around people we love shuts down anxiety, and increases positive emotions.

Strategy 8: Get Enough Sleep

Too much you feel groggy, to little your easily irritated, if it’s 7 hours best for you, or 8 hours, find your optimal, but don’t put it to the side, use your sleep as a too.

Strategy 9: Seek Professional Help

Depending on your severity, you may want to get help. I can assist you with your anxiety if it’s that bad, consider a discovery call with me, and yes, You will feel anxious before it…

Strategy 10: Limit Screen Time and Consumption

Over time, we can see that if we compare ourselves we can feel worse and worse, again letting ourselves open realms of anxiety to come through. Do something you’re proud of and you’ll feel proud. Don’t, and you won’t.


Spending time with people we enjoy, having a good healthy lifestyle all round helps massively.

We could look at another list of beliefs. And what are you beliefs of going to a public place, or beliefs of people? This answers indicate to professionals the level of anxiety you are feeling. If you think going into public is scary, you likely won’t do much outside, and that’s clearly provoking anxiety if you do go outside. If you thought the outside world is great, you would happily go outside. Happily. 

These above ideas are much deeper level to solving anxiety. 

Remember it’s normal, but too much is too much. Seek help if you want to overcome challenges. I help people overcome those deeper beliefs.

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